“Place Saudi Arabia on the World Steel Map” Placing Saudi Arabia on the World Steel Map is GTC vision springing from Saudi-Arabia 2030 vision and for the fact that Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa with accessibility to 400 million cons- umers. GTC shall provide all steel product requirement in the region with a continuous and reliable supply of products to all industry spectrum. Proper location with state of the art products will easily place Saudi Arabia as number one steel supplier in the region and one of the leading global steel suppliers Read more
“GTC Tube Manufacturing Facility” GTC tube manufacturing facility will produce small size seamless tubes between 19 to 177.8 mm (3/4” to 7”) and will be the only Company in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East to produce such tubes. Tubes products include line pipes, OCTG casing and tubing, boiler and heat ex-changer tubes, and structural hollow section. Those products can be used in several industrial areas such as oil and gas, petrochemical, power and energy, and construction projects. GTC tube manufacturing facility will be creating approximately 1010 job positions in which 700 are direct aim to make our hiring process as straightforward Saudi citizens. GTC will apply a feed-stock (scrap) management program in Saudi Arabia to organize the feedstock collection, categorization, and preparation for the assurance of manufacturing facility continuous supply of feed-stock Read more
“Global Steel Consumption” Global Steel Consumption is set to grow by 66% by 2025
Global Steel Consumption is set to grow by 66% by 2025
■ Other
■ Energy Construction
■ Mechanical Engineering
■ Transportation
■ Non-Energy Construction
Construction The majority of steel demand will likely come from the large infrastructure projects underway and planned by emerging economies. Almost 60% of demand will come from Non-energy construction in 2025, followed by Transportation on (17%).
Manufacturing Facility 630,000 ton/yr Production facilities and auxiliary located on a land plot of 700,000 M² Location: Ras Al Khair, Industrial City, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, 60km north of Jubail. View Full Capacity